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Saturday, May 21, 2011

C# with ntdll call? Not so easy

Lately I started to study C# and this was due to the fact that I had to use it for my work. I have been using C most of the time so it is somewhat difficult for me to switch the language but I think that this is a great chance to learn the new language as it helps me to think differently when approaching the problems.

Anyhow, today I decided to try my C# to do things that are somewhat low-level and I know that C# is not designed for low-level tasks but wanted to try how it is like with C#. So I decided to get to Process Environment Block(PEB) and find the command-line arguments of a given process. In this particular example, I just used my own process but it is relatively easy to change it to point to other process by providing other process handle.

With that, let me show my code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace PEB
class Program
ProcessBasicInformation = 0,
ProcessVmCounters // omitted the rest

public int ExitStatus;
public int PebBaseAddress;
public int AffinityMask;
public int BasePriority;
public int UniqueProcessId;
public int InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;
public uint Size
get { return (6 * sizeof(int)); }
// following two definitions are from Windows via C C++
// check 'allow unsafe code' in properties page
unsafe struct __PEB
public fixed uint Filler[4];
public uint InfoBlockAddress;
unsafe struct __INFOBLOCK
public fixed uint Filler[17];
// Windows keeps this as Unicdoe(wide character)
// Without the following option, it only gets to the first character
public string cmdAddress;

// Finding NtQueryInformationProcess API from ntdll is relatively easy
[DllImport("ntdll.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern int NtQueryInformationProcess(
IntPtr processHandle,
PROCESSINFOCLASS processInformationClass,
ref PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION processInformation,
uint processInformationLength,
ref int returnLength);

static void Main(string[] args)
int status;
int returnLength = 0;
Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

status = NtQueryInformationProcess(
ref pbi,
ref returnLength);

if (status == 0)
Console.WriteLine("PEB address: {0}", pbi.PebBaseAddress);
// It is little tricky to do casting in C# - two steps
// First, it is necessary to get the pointer
// Second, cast that to what we need using Marshal.PtrToStructure
IntPtr pebAddress = (IntPtr)pbi.PebBaseAddress;

__PEB peb = (__PEB)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pebAddress, typeof(__PEB));
IntPtr infoblkAddr= (IntPtr)peb.InfoBlockAddress;
__INFOBLOCK infoBlock =
(__INFOBLOCK)Marshal.PtrToStructure(infoblkAddr, typeof(__INFOBLOCK));
Console.WriteLine("command line: " + infoBlock.cmdAddress);


I put comments on my code to explain what I am trying to do but basically at the end of the day, the lesson I learned from my exercise is that I should choose the right language for the job. I felt that C# is probably not the best language to work on low-level ntdll stuff. I think that for this kind of job C/C++ is better language. Perhaps it is just that I am still in the process so I am just not good.
Anyway, I am enjoying learning C# so hopefully next time, I will write something more meaningful and related to C#.