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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Palindrome implementation using recursion

My co-worker mentioned a problem of checking palindrome of the word that is made up with linked list. So basically each character is connected via linked list and the task is to find out if the given linked list contains a palindrome word.

This is pretty simple if we want to implement in a iterative way using some data structure such as stack. However, I find it worth trying to implement the code using recursion.

So the idea is that I need to pass two arguments and I need to somehow to keep one pointer pointing to one end and the other pointer to the other end. This way, as we traverse we move each pointer two different directions and compare the value. If the value does not match, the word is not a palindrome word.

With that then, let me show my function.

int palindrome(node **head, node *cur)
int ret = 1;
if (cur) {
ret = palindrome(head, cur->next);
if (cur->data != (*head)->data) {
cout << cur->data << "-" << (*head)->data << ": not a palindrome" << endl;
ret = 0;
*head = (*head)->next;
return ret;

I think that recursion is one of those techniques that every programmer should be comfortable with and if I find more problems on recursion, I will work on it and post it here again.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Calling fopen_s/_wfopen_s with ccs=UNICODE flag

Just recently I had a discussion with my co-workers about my program that has to interact with Web servers via HTTP post. In my program I post a file and I told my co-worker that the file is in the format of UNICODE.

However, when he tries to decode it, he found that the file is actually not in the format of UNICODE especially not in UTF-16 but in the format of ANSI. So I said to him that it is not possible because I create a file by explicitly specifying that the file should be in the format of UNICODE. But close examination of my file showed that the file is indeed in ANSI format. So I quickly looked at my code where I create a file.

Here is the code.
_wfopen_s(&fp, filename, L"w+, ccs=UNICODE");

Then, I looked up MSDN and found the following.

Allowed values of the encoding include UNICODE, UTF-8, and UTF-16LE. If the file is already in existence and is opened for reading or appending, the Byte Order Mark (BOM) is used to determine the correct encoding. It is not necessary to specify the encoding with a flag. In fact, the flag will be ignored if it conflicts with the type of the file as indicated by the BOM. The flag is only used when no BOM is present or if the file is a new file. The following table summarizes the modes used in for various flags given to fopen and Byte Order Marks used in the file.

Encodings Used Based on Flag and BOM
FlagNo BOM (or new file)BOM: UTF-8BOM: UTF-16













As you can see above, if it is a new file and I specify UNICODE, it is actually creating a file in the format of ANSI. Obviously I missed that and I somehow thought that the file would be created in the format I specified.

So the lesson I learned from this incidence is that I should be more careful reading MSDN page. Lastly, here is MSDN link to fopen_s/wfopen_s:

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Priority Queue

Lately I have been studying Jon Bentley's book "Programming Pearl" and in the book it talks about priority queue with heap data structure. So I grabbed another book "Algorithms in C by Robert Sedgewick" and read more about it as it sounds pretty useful for many different applications.

According to these two books, a priority queue is a data structure to insert data and retrieve the item with either largest key or smallest key depending on your heap setup. We can implement priority queue using many different data structures but heap seems to be very good candidate. I borrowed two fundamental heap functions: siftdown() and siftup(). siftdown() sifts the first element down the data structure until it has either no child or it is larger than its children node and siftup() does the opposite.
So decided to implement it based on these two books and even though I referred the books, it was still somewhat tricky to get it right.

Tricky part was that I have to take care of a node with one child during siftdown(). At first I tried compare the node with both child in my while() loop but that did not work well. So referred the Algorithms in C for help and learned this edge case.

Followings are the code based on the two books I mentioned above. It needs more work if I need to use it for real but this should at least help me to get going.

typedef int node;
static node *pq;
static int N;

#define swap(a, b) \
do { node tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } while (0)

class prioQ
node *pq;
int count;
int max_num;

prioQ(int imax)
max_num = imax;
pq = new node[max_num+1];
count = 0;
delete pq;
int empty()
return (count == 0);
int insert(node v)
if (count >= max_num) {
std::cout << "Queue is full." << std::endl;
return -1;
pq[++count] = v;
siftup(pq, count);
return 0;
node delmax()
if (empty()) {
std::cout << "No more item in the queue." << std::endl;
return -1;
swap(&pq[1], &pq[count]);
siftdown(pq, 1, count-1);
return pq[count--];

// helper functions from max heap
void siftup(node a[], int k)
while ((k > 1) && (a[k] > a[k/2])) {
swap(&a[k/2], &a[k]);
k = k / 2;
void siftdown(node a[], int k, int end)
int i;
while (k*2 <= end) {
i = k * 2;
// k*2 < N is to test one child node case
if ((k*2 < end) && (a[i] < a[i+1])) i++;
if (a[k] > a[i]) break;
swap(&a[k], &a[i]);
k = i;

By the way I used to copy my C++ code. It works great!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

sleep() does not put the process to sleep

Just recently I had to deal with the code that calls sleep() and suddenly I wondered if sleep will put the entire process to sleep. So I quickly checked man page and found the following.


   unsigned int sleep(unsigned int seconds);

sleep() makes the current process sleep until seconds seconds
have elapsed or a signal arrives which is not ignored.

At first, I believed this man page but it just happened that I read Jefferey Rithcer's Windows Via C/C++ a few days ago and I remembered that on Windows there is no SuspendProcess() even though there is SuspendThread(). Jefferey explained that it is not quite possible to have SuspendProcess() in that Process can have many threads and these threads can come and go. Hence, it is pretty difficult to get all the threads to be suspended on Windows as thread is a scheduling unit.

Though I am looking at Linux for this particular case, it seems to me that I should check this out with other developers so I posted the question on stackoverflow(

Sure enough, I got an answer that my man page is outdated and I need to report to maintainer of man page to update the man page of my distribution. So the correct description of sleep is as follows. (taken from


   unsigned int sleep(unsigned int seconds);

sleep() makes the calling thread sleep until seconds seconds have elapsed or a signal arrives which is not ignored.

So in conclusion, sleep() puts the calling thread to sleep not the process. Interesting!